Eurofurence Help Center – Contact

Contact this department, when…
      • You have something very, very urgent that cannot be discussed with anyone else.
      • You have something very, very urgent that cannot be discussed either with anyone else, nor with the Chairman himself.
      • Two weeks after your payment have passed, and still you haven't received any confirmation
      • You still have questions about your payment methods after reading the guide on our registration page
      • you need to transfer your account to someone else
      • you want to change details of your registration
      • you have other questions regarding your registration
      • there's something for Lost and Found or you miss something
      • you like to volunteer to support Eurofurence
      • there are logistic questions
      • you have questions regarding the EF Locker Service
      • you have questions regarding the EF Info Desk
      • you have any questions about our policies
      • you want to bring along a weapon replica or any other unusual item and need it approved by the Security Crew
      • your event needs special attention by the Security Crew
      • you need us to know about personal medical or psychological conditions
      • there is or might be a situation the Security Crew might need to know about
      • You want to host an event
      • There are questions regarding the event schedule
      • You need special requirements (rooms, hardware...) for your event

      • You want to generally apply to that team
      • Have a stage-related event idea that you would like to talk about
      • You need to discuss stage equipment (rental) business
      • You want to contact dance organisation
      • You have questions about the routes presented on your Travel & Parking page
      • There are genius alternatives we don't know about yet
      • You own a fursuit and require assistance with it
      • You have questions or concerns about 'suit'-ability
      • You need further information about our fursuit lounge and suit related events
      • You want to become a member of the team
      • You have questions regarding the Fursuit Photography Gallery
      • Our services are needed for a special event
      • You are from a media or news agent.
      • You would like a tour or inquire filming rights.
      • You have questions, complaints or remarks regarding to press and media at Eurofurence.

      • Organisations and Institutions interested in partnering with us
      • Businesses, Restaurants and other shops interested in cooperation during our convention
      • Civil and government services, to discussing local events and legal matters
      • Charity suggestions
      • Donation offers and questions
      • General inquiry
      • You would like to inquire special filming permissions
      • You would like to offer your skills to our film / sound / tech crew
      • You are an artist (or agent) and would like to apply for a panel, or discuss your registration
      • You have noticed possible art theft
      • There are questions still open after reading our Art Show guide

      • You are an artist (or agent) and would like to sell your products in our den
      • There are questions concerning our Dealers' Den or Artist Alley, which our Dealers' Den page couldn't answer
      • You would like to submit your artwork to the Conbook (please use Dropbox or the like and send us a link!)
      • You have questions regarding your art submission or the Conbook itself
      • There is a story or matter our daily newspaper would like to know about
      • You would like to announce something important on our paper
      • You are a layouter, photographer or writer and would like to join us
      • Your convention would like to share con book ads with us
      • You need further guidence on format, design or measurements
      • You find a bug or something looks weird on our websites
      • You would like to offer a cool addition or idea
      • You've realized the website is utterly bad and that needs to be said

      • You need something technical during the convention
      • You have a highly technical question
      • You want to apply for a volunteer job at the PawPet Show team
      • You have questions or feedback regarding the PawPet Show
      • You have questions or feedback regarding
      • You have specific feedback to the convention that doesn't match a survey questionnaire.
      • you face issues logging into your account
      • you require a username change
      • you want to report bugs
      • you have topics or questions regarding diversity, inclusion and awareness
      • you have feedback regarding accessibility
      • you felt uncomfortable or not included at EF
      • you feel down because of something that happened during EF and need someone to talk about it
      • you encountered discrimination or harassment at EF and need someone to talk about it (for reports please contact security!)
      • you felt uncomfortable or not included at EF
      • you want to join the team
      • You have ideas for fursuit play activities for EF
      • You have feedback regarding official fursuit play activities at EF
      • You must move something big from A to B
      • You have to send a delivery to the EF Storage
      • You have to send a delivery to EF
      • If you are a transport company that delivers something
      • You have any other question regarding logistics
      • You want to apply for a job at the logistics department
      • have general organizational questions and feedback for the EF-VR department
      • have organizational questions and feedback regarding the VR-Portal
      • have organizational questions and feedback regarding the VR-Phone
      • have organizational questions and feedback regarding our VR-Live-Dancers
      • have organizational questions and feedback regarding our VR Community Collaborations (Placeholder Club, etc.)